Section 1
Name The name of this group shall be the North Carolina Utilities Coordinating Committee, hereinafter referred to as “Committee”. This Committee shall function as a non-profit entity.

Section 2
Purpose The purpose of the Committee is to discuss utility coordination and damage prevention.

Section 3
Mission Statement

The North Carolina Utilities Coordinating Committee will provide a forum for utilities, governmental agencies, and contractors in North Carolina to discuss the impact of planning, engineering, construction, and technology among member organizations. This committee will also serve as a resource for local Utilities Coordinating Committees on issues which are better addressed and resolved on a statewide basis. This committee will promote safety, damage prevention and the use of North Carolina 811 for notification of all excavation activity.

Section 4

Membership shall consist of representatives of the various industry groups such as electric, natural gas, hazardous liquid petroleum, water & sewer, cable TV, phone & telecommunications, state & local government, railroads, contractors, excavators, utility locators, North Carolina 811, and others who have aerial or underground serviceproviding utility facilities. For the purpose of establishing a quorum, each industry group shall be considered an Organization. A stated interest in becoming a member is the only pre-requisite for membership. Should a question arise as to the eligibility or desirability of a prospective member or Organization, the issue shall be decided by a majority vote of the Organization members present at a regularly scheduled meeting, with each Organization having one vote.

Section 5

The regular meetings of the Committee shall be held on the second Tuesday of every other month, beginning in January (January, March, May, July, September, and November). If this day is a legal holiday, the Chair shall select a substitute date. The hour and place of all meetings shall be designated by the Chair.

A representative from each of the local Utilities Coordinating Committee is invited to attend all scheduled meetings and present a report of important activities and issues in the area of the state they represent.

Special called meetings of the Committee can be called by the Chair or at the request of any member. Notice of such meetings should be accompanied by information as to the reason and a proposed Agenda. Only items on the Agenda shall be discussed at a called meeting.

Roberts Rules of Order will be in place; however, they may be waived at the discretion of the Chair.

Section 6
Action by the Committee

To conduct official business, a quorum must be present at the meeting. A quorum shall consist of representatives from five (5) of the member Organizations. This is done to ensure a broad spectrum of support from the members.

Simple majority vote of the members present shall decide all committee business decisions, except Membership which is described in Section 4.

By-laws revisions can be made by simple majority vote of members present, after proposed changes have been distributed in writing to the entire membership, along with the scheduled meeting date, place, and time for such ratification.

Section 7

The Committee shall elect from its membership a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer from a list of candidates prepared by the Nominating sub-committee. The term of office shall be one year (July-July). The annual election shall be held at the regularly-scheduled July meeting. Vacancies may be filled by election at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee, or at a called meeting, if deemed necessary. Election shall be by simple majority vote of members present.

When possible, the various offices will be filled with representatives of different Organizations and rotated regularly to avoid any perception of dominance by any Organization. No more than two (2) officers shall have the same company employer.

The primary duties of the Officers shall be:
• Chair – to establish the date and time for the meetings, to prepare the meeting’s Agenda, and to conduct the meetings.
• Vice Chair – to assist the Chair as requested and to fulfill the duties of the Chair in their absence.
• Secretary – to record the actions taken during the meetings into the official Minutes, maintain the membership contact / distribution list, and have the Minutes published to the Committee’s website ( and distributed to the general membership.
• Treasurer – to maintain a true and accurate record of the Committee’s finances and transactions, and to report the current account status at each meeting for inclusion to the Minutes. The Treasurer may continue in office to provide continuity.

The Officers will follow a designated progression policy. A newly-elected Secretary is expected to ascend to the Vice Chair position at the next election, if nominated by the Nominating sub-committee, and then to the Chair position in the third year. The retiring Chair officer shall refrain from holding any other office for a period of one year, but is expected to be available in an advisory capacity, and serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Section 8

Significant issues presented at a scheduled meeting of the Committee should be analyzed and prioritized for appropriate action. An ad-hoc sub-committee may be created to address such issues. Results from the activities of any such sub-committee should be recorded and reported at a regular scheduled meeting. When the issue is resolved, the ad-hoc committee shall be dissolved.

Standing sub-committees shall be created for the purpose of recruiting candidates for the annual election of Officers and planning the Joint Conference hosted by this Committee in even-numbered years.

The Nominating sub-committee shall recruit suitable volunteers for the various officers and present their recommendations to the members by e-mail at least 30 days prior to the annual election, and again at the July meeting when the election will be held. This committee is further guided to carefully select a candidate for Treasurer with financial experience and is willing to serve succeeding terms to ensure continuity.

The members of the Joint Conference sub-committee shall be responsible for the following: Site/Food, Vendors/Sponsors, Golf/Activities, and Agenda/Speakers.

Revision History
First Revision – Tarboro, North Carolina March 18, 1941
Second Revision – Raleigh, North Carolina January 15, 1957
Third Revision – July 12, 1993
Fourth Revision – Garner, North Carolina January 24, 1996, & July 8, 1997
Fifth Revision – Atlantic Beach, North Carolina September 14, 1999
Sixth Revision – Greensboro, North Carolina January 13, 2015