Mission Statement
The Ashe County Utilities Coordinating Committee will provide a forum for utilities, governmental agencies, and contractors within Ashe County to discuss situations which impact planning, engineering, construction and new technologies among the member organizations. This committee will promote underground damage prevention and the use of North Carolina 811 for notification of all excavation activity.
The name of this organization is the Ashe County Utilities Coordinating Committee.
The purpose of this committee is to encourage a free exchange of information within the utility, construction, and locate industries along with government agencies and other interested parties to promote utility damage prevention through cooperation, communication, and coordination.
It is intended that the members shall seek to achieve this purpose through frank and impartial discussion and consideration of all matters pertinent to the objectives of the COMMITTEE, with full recognition and regard for the respective rights, obligations and interests of all members. It is further intended that the members shall keep each other informed of proposed work and provide information upon which sound engineering, construction and maintenance decisions may be based.
The COMMITTEE shall sponsor, support, aid and encourage other local and state groups whose aim and purposes are consistent with those of the COMMITTEE, such as the North Carolina One-Call Center, Inc. and the North Carolina Utilities Coordinating Committee.
It is expressly understood this COMMITTEE is advisory only. It seeks to achieve its purpose through cooperation, coordination and communication, and to serve its members and the community through voluntary participation of its members. It desires cooperation with other organizations, which have similar objectives, but is clearly independent of all organizations. It shall not attempt to exercise any authorization or control over any of its members or the industrial, professional or governmental agencies, which they represent.
The scope of the COMMITTEE shall extend throughout the Ashe County area and shall include all interested parties who subscribe to and have an interest in its objectives.
Membership in the COMMITTEE shall be open to any individual, organization or governmental agency whose activities are related in any matter to the objectives of the COMMITTEE
The COMMITTEE shall elect from its membership a Chairperson, Co-Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer. The COMMITTEE officers shall be elected for one-year terms commencing with the first meeting after having been elected and end with the meeting in which elections are held the following year. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Unexpired terms of officers will be filled through
either ascension, or through nomination and election, by the full COMMITTEE.
The COMMITTEE, upon recommendation of the officers, may establish such subcommittees, as it may deem necessary to address specific tasks. The personnel of such subcommittees shall be confined to the membership of the COMMITTEE. Representatives of the North Carolina One-Call Center, Inc. and the North Carolina Utility Coordinating Committee shall be considered eligible for subcommittee participation.
The regular meeting of the COMMITTEE shall be held on the second Friday of even months. If this date falls on a holiday the date will be changed at the discretion of the Chairperson. The chairperson, or in his absence, the co-chairperson, may call a special meeting of the COMMITTEE by notification to all available members at any time. A statement of the matters to be considered shall accompany calls for special meetings.
A quorum shall consist of a majority from the general membership present at a regular or special meeting. Each member or member organization shall be entitled to one vote.
A majority of the members present and voting are authorized to conduct the affairs of the COMMITTEE. The deliberation of the COMMITTEE shall be governed by “Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised”.
Any member at a regular meeting of the full COMMITTEE may propose revisions of these by-laws. A proposed amendment must be in writing and a copy must be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer of the COMMITTEE at least forty eight hours prior to the meeting at which it is proposed. Any amendment proposed shall be read, discussed and tabled until the next meeting at which time it will be voted upon. A majority of the members present and voting at any regular meeting is required to approve any amendment.
This is to certify that the above noted by-laws were adopted by the Asher County Utilities Coordinating Committee on April 11, 2003.
Meeting Location:
Winners Circle Restaurant
825 E Main St, Jefferson, NC 28640
Meeting time is 11:30 am
Meets January-April-July-October on the 3rd Tuesday of these months.

Grady Caudill
Frontier Energy
[email protected]

Eric Holt
[email protected]
The NC811 Education Liaison contact for this UCC is:

Rory Phipps
North Carolina 811,
Education Liaison
Western Region
email: [email protected]
phone: 336-944-1087